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30 Nisan 2014 Çarşamba

0 Matlab Ders 4 - Komutlar Fonksiyonlar

Editor (Kod Düzenleme):

% "help" komutu ile matlab kütüphanesindeki herhangi fonksiyonun ne işe yaradığına bakılabilir.

help magic

magic(4) % 4x4'lük matris oluşturur. Çapraz toplamları eşittir. İlk verisi n^2 olabilir.

% "lookfor" komutu matlab içinde bir arama motoru görevi görür. Tam olarak ismini hatırlayamadığımız fonksiyonları bulmamıza yardımcı olur.

lookfor image % içerisinde image ile ilgili birşey olan tüm fonksiyonları gösterir.

% "zeros" tüm elemanları "0" olan bir matris oluşturur.


% "ones" tüm değerleri "1" olan matris oluşturur.



% "rand" değişkenlere restgele değer atar. Bu değerler 0.0-1.0 arasındadır.


% "randn" komutu normal dağılımda rastgele veri üretir. Bunların ortalaması "0", varyansı "1" ve standart sapması "1" olur.

Command Window (Komut Penceresi):
 MAGIC  Magic square.
    MAGIC(N) is an N-by-N matrix constructed from the integers
    1 through N^2 with equal row, column, and diagonal sums.
    Produces valid magic squares for all N > 0 except N = 2.

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc magic

ans =

    16     2     3    13
     5    11    10     8
     9     7     6    12
     4    14    15     1

HeatMap                        - A false color 2D image of the data values in a matrix.
imagemodel                     - Access to properties of an image relevant to its display.
cfrimage                       - Image
cmunique                       - Eliminate unneeded colors in colormap of indexed image.
imapprox                       - Approximate indexed image by one with fewer colors.
contrast                       - Gray scale color map to enhance image contrast.
dither                         - Convert image using dithering.
frame2im                       - Return image data associated with movie frame.
im2frame                       - Convert indexed image into movie format.
im2java                        - Convert image to Java image.
image                          - Display image.
imagesc                        - Scale data and display as image.
imageview                      - Show an image preview in a figure window
ind2rgb                        - Convert indexed image to RGB image.
rgb2ind                        - Convert RGB image to indexed image.
print                          - Print figure or model. Save to disk as image or M-file.
hdfdf24                        - MATLAB gateway to HDF 24-bit raster image interface.
hdfdfr8                        - MATLAB gateway to HDF 8-bit raster image interface.
imread                         - Read image from graphics file.
imwrite                        - Write image to graphics file.
imagedemo                      - Images and Matrices
imageext                       - Examples of images with a variety of colormaps
aero_pointer_tracker           - Optical Sensor Image Generation
rtw_c                          - Creates the makefile used to build the RTW C code image.
aeroimage                      - function for the icon images of Aerospace Blockset.
imageneread                    - reads ImaGene Results Format files.
maimage                        - displays a spatial image of microarray data.
msheatmap                      - creates a heat map image of a set of spectra
scaleimagefigure               - resizes the figure window to fit the image size.
parsebinary                    - Write binary object to disk and display if image.
myind2rgb                      - IND2RGB Convert indexed image to RGB image.
vipaviread                     - Read AVI file.  Used by Video & Image Processing Blockset's
hdlcoderrecon2_m               - Image Reconstruction Using the Embedded MATLAB(TM) Function Block
hdlcoderreconcmds              - CTCOSIMCMDS - Creates Tcl commands for the Image Reconstruction model.
hdlcoderrecon_m                - Image Reconstruction Using Cosimulation
blkproc                        - Distinct block processing for image.
blockproc                      - Distinct block processing for image.
bwarea                         - Area of objects in binary image.
bwareaopen                     - Morphologically open binary image (remove small objects).
bwboundaries                   - Trace region boundaries in binary image.
bwconncomp                     - Find connected components in binary image.
bwdist                         - Distance transform of binary image.
bwdist_old                     - Distance transform of binary image.
bweuler                        - Euler number of binary image.
bwfill                         - Fill background regions in binary image.
bwlabel                        - Label connected components in 2-D binary image.
bwlabeln                       - Label connected components in binary image.
bwmorph                        - Morphological operations on binary image.
bwpack                         - Pack binary image.
bwperim                        - Find perimeter of objects in binary image.
bwselect                       - Select objects in binary image.
bwtraceboundary                - Trace object in binary image.
bwunpack                       - Unpack binary image.
checkerboard                   - Create checkerboard image.
cornermetric                   - Create corner metric matrix from image.
deconvblind                    - Deblur image using blind deconvolution.
deconvlucy                     - Deblur image using Lucy-Richardson method.
deconvreg                      - Deblur image using regularized filter.
deconvwnr                      - Deblur image using Wiener filter.
decorrstretch                  - Apply decorrelation stretch to multichannel image.
demosaic                       - Convert Bayer pattern encoded image to a truecolor image.
dilate                         - Perform dilation on binary image.
edge                           - Find edges in intensity image.
entropy                        - Entropy of intensity image.    
entropyfilt                    - Local entropy of intensity image.
erode                          - Perform erosion on binary image.
gray2ind                       - Convert intensity image to indexed image.
grayslice                      - Create indexed image from intensity image by thresholding.
graythresh                     - Global image threshold using Otsu's method.
im2bw                          - Convert image to binary image by thresholding.
im2col                         - Rearrange image blocks into columns.
im2double                      - Convert image to double precision.  
im2int16                       - Convert image to 16-bit signed integers.    
im2java2d                      - Convert image to Java BufferedImage.
im2single                      - Convert image to single precision.     
im2uint16                      - Convert image to 16-bit unsigned integers.  
im2uint8                       - Convert image to 8-bit unsigned integers.
imabsdiff                      - Absolute difference of two images.
imadd                          - Add two images or add constant to image.
imadjust                       - Adjust image intensity values or colormap.
imclearborder                  - Suppress light structures connected to image border.
imclose                        - Morphologically close image.
imcomplement                   - Complement image.
imcontour                      - Create contour plot of image data.
imcrop                         - Crop image.
imdilate                       - Dilate image.
imdivide                       - Divide two images or divide image by constant.
imerode                        - Erode image.
imfeature                      - Compute feature measurements for image regions.
imfill                         - Fill image regions and holes.
imfilter                       - N-D filtering of multidimensional images.
imhist                         - Display histogram of image data.
imlincomb                      - Linear combination of images.
immultiply                     - Multiply two images or multiply image by constant.
imnoise                        - Add noise to image.
imopen                         - Morphologically open image.
impyramid                      - Image pyramid reduction and expansion
imresize                       - Resize image.
imresize_old                   - Resize image (old version).
imrotate                       - Rotate image.
imsubtract                     - Subtract two images or subtract constant from image.
imtransform                    - Apply 2-D spatial transformation to image.
ind2gray                       - Convert indexed image to intensity image.
isbw                           - Return true for binary image.
isgray                         - Return true for intensity image.
isind                          - Return true for indexed image.
isrgb                          - Return true for RGB image.
label2rgb                      - Convert label matrix to RGB image.
mat2gray                       - Convert matrix to intensity image.
phantom                        - Create head phantom image.
rangefilt                      - Local range of image.  
regionprops                    - Measure properties of image regions.
rgb2gray                       - Convert RGB image or colormap to grayscale.
roifill                        - Fill in specified polygon in grayscale image.
stdfilt                        - Local standard deviation of image.
stretchlim                     - Find limits to contrast stretch an image.
batchDetectCells               - Algorithm to detect cells in image.
batchProcessFiles              - Process image files.
conformalShowInput             - Superpose the input image on the 'w' plane.
conformalShowOutput            - Superpose the output image on the 'z' plane.
ipexbatch                      - Batch Processing Image Files in Parallel
ipexblind                      - Deblurring Images Using the Blind Deconvolution Algorithm 
ipexblockprocedge              - Block Processing Large Images
ipexblockprocstats             - Computing Statistics for Large Images
ipexcell                       - Detecting a Cell Using Image Segmentation
ipexcheckerboard               - Creating a Gallery of Transformed Images
ipexlanstretch                 - Enhancing Multispectral Color Composite Images
ipexlucy                       - Deblurring Images Using the Lucy-Richardson Algorithm 
ipexndvi                       - Finding Vegetation in a Multispectral Image
ipexnormxcorr2                 - Registering an Image Using Normalized Cross-Correlation
ipexprops                      - Measuring Regions in Grayscale Images
ipexreconstruct                - Reconstructing an Image from Projection Data
ipexregularized                - Deblurring Images Using a Regularized Filter 
ipexrotate                     - Finding the Rotation and Scale of a Distorted Image
ipexshear                      - Padding and Shearing an Image Simultaneously
ipexwiener                     - Deblurring Images Using a Wiener Filter
iptdemos                       - Index of Image Processing Toolbox demos.
LanAdapter                     - Example ImageAdapter for Erdas LAN images.
propsSynthesizeImage           - propsSyntheticImage create image for ipexprops demo
getimage                       - Get image data from axes.
getimagemodel                  - Get image model object from image object.
imageinfo                      - Image Information tool.
imattributes                   - Information about image attributes.
imgca                          - Get handle to current axes containing image.
imgcf                          - Get handle to current figure containing image.
imgetfile                      - Open Image dialog box.  
imhandles                      - Get all image handles.  
immovie                        - Make movie from multiframe image.
imoverview                     - Overview tool for image displayed in scroll panel.
imoverviewpanel                - Overview tool panel for image displayed in scroll panel.
implay                         - Play movies, videos, or image sequences.
imputfile                      - Save Image dialog box.  
imsave                         - Save Image tool.
imscrollpanel                  - Scroll panel for interactive image navigation.
imshow                         - Display image in Handle Graphics figure.  
imtool                         - Display image in the Image Tool.  
imview                         - Display image in the image viewer.
montage                        - Display multiple image frames as rectangular montage.
subimage                       - Display multiple images in single figure.
truesize                       - Adjust display size of image.
warp                           - Display image as texture-mapped surface.
analyze75read                  - Read image file of Mayo Analyze 7.5 data set.
dicomread                      - Read DICOM image.
dicomwrite                     - Write images as DICOM files.
hdrread                        - Read Radiance HDR image.
ImageAdapter                   - Interface for image format I/O.
interfileread                  - Read images in Interfile 3.3 format.
makehdr                        - Create high dynamic range image.
nitfread                       - Read NITF image
rsetwrite                      - Create reduced-resolution dataset (R-Set) from image file.
tonemap                        - Render high dynamic range image for viewing.
getrangefromclass              - Get dynamic range of image based on its class.
iptgetpref                     - Get value of Image Processing Toolbox preference.
iptprefs                       - Display Image Processing Toolbox preferences dialog.
iptsetpref                     - Set value of Image Processing Toolbox preference.
imageplotfunc                  - 
imaqfind                       - Find image acquisition objects.
imaqgate                       - Gateway routine to call Image Acquisition Toolbox private functions.
imaqhelp                       - Return image acquisition object function and property help.
imaqmem                        - Limit or display memory in use by the Image Acquisition Toolbox.
imaqregister                   - Register third party Image Acquisition Toolbox adaptors.
imaqreset                      - Disconnect and delete all image acquisition objects.
imaqsupport                    - Image Acquisition Toolbox troubleshooting utility.
imaqtool                       - Launch the Image Acquisition Tool
imaqmontage                    - Display a sequence of image frames as a montage.
demoimaq_AlphaBlending         - Alpha Blending Streamed Image Pairs
demoimaq_AlphaBlendingIPT      - Alpha Blending Streamed Image Pairs
demoimaq_Averaging             - Averaging Images Over Time
demoimaq_GetSnapshot           - Acquiring a Single Image in a Loop
demoimaq_Objects               - Managing Image Acquisition Objects
imaqcreatedialog               - Instantiates an image acquisition dynamic dialog object.
imaqinitlib                    - Initializes the Image Acquisition blockset library.
imaqparsehwinfo                - Parse the Image Acquisition Toolbox hardware information.
imaqsfcncreate                 - Creates a Image Acquisition Toolbox object for the S-Function.
imaqslgate                     - Gateway routine to call Image Acquisition Toolbox SL private functions.
ind2rgb8                       - Convert indexed image to uint8 RGB image
mapbbox                        - Compute bounding box of georeferenced image or data grid
mapoutline                     - Compute outline of georeferenced image or data grid
pixcenters                     - Compute pixel centers for georeferenced image or data grid
mapexrefmat                    - Creating a Half-Resolution Georeferenced Image
mapexreg                       - Georeferencing an Image to an Orthotile Base Layer
grid2image                     - Display regular data grid as image
imagem                         - Display a regular matrix map as an image.
geotiffread                    - Read georeferenced image from GeoTIFF file
getworldfilename               - Derive worldfile name from image file name
replacecolor                   - Replace a color in truecolor image with another
xregimage                      - Create a modified image object
rgb2rgb565                     - Convert 8-bit RGB image to RGB565 representation.
bmp2rgb565                     - Convert bitmap image to RGB565 representation.
aboutvipblks                   - Displays version number of the Video and Image 
blackimage                     - Return black image of desired size and data type.
checker_board                  - RGB test image using a checker-board pattern.
showvipblockdatatypetable      - Launch Video and Image Processing Blockset Data-type Support Table
sl_customization               - Customization file for Video and Image Processing Blockset.
vipbhelp                       - Video & Image Processing Blockset on-line help function.
viplib                         - Open Video and Image Processing Blockset library.
vipliblist                     - Return list of Video and Image Processing block libraries.
vipToVideoDisplayPanel         - Create a figure for the Video and Image Processing
vipblkimgcomplement            - VIPBLKS Image Complement block helper function
vipblkimsrc                    - Mask callback function for Image From Workspace block
vipblkscalenconvert            - Video Processing Blockset block for image data type conversion.
videogetdemodata               - Fetches video data for Video and Image Processing System object demos.
videorectification             - Image Rectification
videostabilize_estimateTransform - Get inter-image transform and aligned point features.
vipdemos                       - Index of Video and Image Processing Blockset demos.
vipgetdemodata                 - Fetches video data for Video and Image Processing Blockset demos.
vipimagecompression            - Dispatch to VIPIMAGECOMPRESSION demo for correct platform.
dw2dimgs                       - Discrete wavelet 2-D image selection.
dw2drwcd                       - Discrete wavelet 2-D read-write Cdata for image.
getimgfiletype                 - Getimage file types.
imgxtool                       - Image extension tool.
wfusimg                        - Fusion of two images.
wfustool                       - Discrete wavelet 2D tool for image fusion.
wimgcode                       - Image coding mode.
wpropimg                       - Give image proportions.
denoisingsignalsdemo           - De-Noising Signals and Images
dguiiext                       - Demonstrates Image extension GUI tools in the Wavelet Toolbox.
dguiwfus                       - Demonstrates Image Fusion tool in the Wavelet Toolbox.
imagefusiondemo                - Image Fusion
wcompress                      - True compression of images using wavelets.
wconvimg                       - Image transform for images truecolor to grayscale 

ans =

     0     0     0
     0     0     0
     0     0     0

ans =

     1     1     1     1     1
     1     1     1     1     1
     1     1     1     1     1
     1     1     1     1     1
     1     1     1     1     1

ans =

     0     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0

ans =

     5     5     5     5
     5     5     5     5
     5     5     5     5
     5     5     5     5
     5     5     5     5

ans =

    0.3922    0.7060    0.0462
    0.6555    0.0318    0.0971
    0.1712    0.2769    0.8235

ans =

    0.6948    0.9502    0.4387
    0.3171    0.0344    0.3816

s =

     0     0     0
     0     0     0
     0     0     0
     0     0     0

ans =

    0.7655    0.4456    0.2760
    0.7952    0.6463    0.6797
    0.1869    0.7094    0.6551
    0.4898    0.7547    0.1626

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